Simpro Mobile 10.9

What's New in Simpro Mobile: from 20 June 2023 AEST

Accurate time recording for overnight work

Maintain an accurate time record of your overnight work from the Service Module!

  • When working on a job in the Service module, if you record time over midnight for travel or work, the time blocks will now automatically be split from the start time to midnight, and from midnight to the stop time.
  • Also, for your easy reference a job card is created for the second day with notes copied over from the previous day.
  • To avoid any duplication of used items, materials are only recorded against the job card for the first day.
  • For accurate onsite time calculations, the previous status of Travelling or Onsite is now resubmitted at the start of the second day.

Learn more in How to Complete a Scheduled Job.

Save or discard recorded times

Occasionally when you had recorded a time block on a job in Simpro Mobile and if you navigated back from the job, there were inconsistent instances where the recorded time was sometimes saved or discarded.

Now every time when you tap Back from a job that has a recorded time block with a start and finish time, a prompt will be displayed to either save and submit the recorded time block or discard it!


Quote description notes gone missing? We’ve made sure your Quote description notes are saved correctly both in the Simpro Mobile as well as in Simpro Premium!