Last Updated: January 29 2025
About Security Groups: Materials
The purpose of a security group is to restrict or limit access to various functions within Simpro Premium based on a user's role in your organisation. For example, the accounts department may not require access to quotes or pre-builds, or you can also limit the value of quotes or purchase orders issued by a particular user or user group.
Security groups are defined in System > Setup > Security Groups.
Go to All > Actions to view and manage the security groups that define whether certain actions can be performed in Simpro Premium.

- Enable: Select Enable to access Catalogue in the main menu. If Enable is not selected, Catalogue is not available in the main menu and no other features under Catalogue can be accessed.
- Create Catalogue Groups and Sub-Groups: Selecting this option allows you to create, edit and delete catalogue groups and sub-groups.
- Create Items: Selecting this option allows you to create new catalogue items. Note that this does not impact importing catalogue items.
- Edit Items:
- Details and Prices: Selecting this option allows you to edit catalogue items including details and prices.
- Details only: Selecting this option allows you to edit catalogue item details.
- Archive/Delete Items
- Archive and Delete: Selecting this option allows you to archive catalogue items, so that they remain in Simpro Premium but no longer appear in the catalogue and delete catalogue items, so that they are permanently removed from your Simpro Premium build.
- Archive only: Selecting this option allows you to archive catalogue items, so that they remain in Simpro Premium but no longer appear in the catalogue.
- Move Items: Selecting this option allows you to move catalogue items between groups.
- Merge Items: Selecting this option allows you to merge multiple items together.
- Modify Catalogue Table View: Selecting this option allows you to modify what appears on the tables for the catalogue. Note that any modification made to these tables is applied for all users accessing the Simpro Premium build.

- Enable: Select Enable to access Pre-Builds in the main menu. If Enable is not selected, Pre-Builds is not available in the main menu and no other features under Pre-Builds can be accessed.
- Create/Edit/Delete Pre-Build Groups and Sub-Groups: Selecting this option allows you to create, edit and delete pre-build groups and sub-groups. Note that this does not impact importing pre-build groups.
- Create Pre-Builds: Selecting this option allows you to create new pre-build. Note that this does not impact importing pre-builds.
- View/Edit Pre-Builds
- View only Pre-Builds (Details and Prices): Selecting this option allows you to view pre-build details and prices.
- View only Pre-Builds (Details only): Selecting this option allows you to view pre-build details.
- Edit Pre-Builds (Details and Prices): Selecting this option allows you to edit and view all pre-builds.
- Edit Pre-Builds (Details Only): Selecting this option allows you to edit and view pre-build details.
- Enable Editing Main Pre-Build: Selecting this option allows you to edit the main pre-builds.
- Move/Copy Pre-Builds: Move pre-builds between groups.
- Archive/Delete Pre-Builds
- Archive and Delete: Selecting this option allows you to archive quotes, so that they remain in Simpro Premium but no longer appear in the Open, Progress, Complete or Approved stage and delete quotes, so that they are permanently removed from your Simpro Premium build.
- Archive only: Selecting this option allows you to archive quotes, so that they remain in Simpro Premium but no longer appear in the Open, Progress, Complete or Approved stage.
- Modify Pre-Builds Table View: Selecting this option allows you to modify what appears on the tables for pre-builds. Note that any modification made to these tables is applied for all users accessing the Simpro Premium build.

- Enable: Select Enable to access Stock in the main menu. If Enable is not selected, Stock is not available in the main menu and no other features under Stock can be accessed.
- Create/Edit Storage Devices: Selecting this option allows you to create new and edit existing storage devices.
- Delete Storage Devices: Selecting this option allows you to delete storage devices.
- Assign & Transfer Stock
- Allow over allocation of stock with a stock adjustment: Selecting this option allows you to assign stock to jobs, including the over allocation of stock, resulting in a stock adjustment and transfer stock between storage devices.
- Only allow stock on hand to be assigned: Selecting this option allows you to assign stock to jobs and transfer stock between storage devices.
- All storage devices: Selecting this option allows you to assign and transfer stock from all storage devices.
- Own storage device only: Selecting this option allows you to only assign and transfer stock from the storage device selected on your employee card.
- Manage Stock Transfer Reasons: Selecting this option allows you to create and edit stock transfer reasons that users can select when creating a stock transfer.
- Manage Stock Take Reasons: Selecting this option allows you to create and edit stock take reasons that users can select when creating a stock transfer.
- Create Stock Takes: Selecting this option allows you to create new stock takes. Note that this does not impact importing stock takes.
- Approve Stock Takes: Selecting this option allows you to approve exciting stock takes.
- Set Minimum Stock Levels: Selecting this option allows you to set minimum stock and restock levels.
- Modify Stock Table View: Selecting this option allows you to modify what appears on the tables for stock. Note that any modification made to these tables is applied for all users accessing the Simpro Premium build.

- Enable: Select Enable to access Take Off Templates in the main menu. If Enable is not selected, Take Off Templates is not available in the main menu and no other features under Take Off Templates can be accessed.
- Create Take Off Templates: Selecting this option allows you to create new take off templates.
- Edit Take Off Templates
- Details and Prices: Selecting this option allows you to edit take off templates including details and prices.
- Details only: Selecting this option allows you to edit take off templates details.
- Move/Copy Take Off Templates: Selecting this option allows you to move take off templates between groups and subgroups and make copies of take off templates.
- Archive/Delete Take Off Templates
- Archive and Delete: Selecting this option allows you to archive take off templates, so that they remain in Simpro Premium but no longer appear in take off template groups and delete take off templates, so that they are permanently removed from your Simpro Premium build.
- Archive only: Selecting this option allows you to archive take off templates, so that they remain in Simpro Premium but no longer appear in the take off template groups.
- Create/Edit/Delete Take Off Templates Groups and Sub-Groups: Selecting this option allows you to create, edit and delete take off template groups and sub-groups.
- Modify Take Offs Table View: Selecting this option allows you to modify what appears on the tables for take off templates. Note that any modification made to these tables is applied for all users accessing the Simpro Premium build.