Simpro Product Portal


Over the years, ideas and feedback from Simpro’s clients have been instrumental in keeping our products relevant and useful in an evolving industry.

We receive a lot of valuable feedback from our users around the world submitting feature ideas to our Simpro Product Portal every day. While we would love to respond to and implement as many changes as we can, we sometimes need to say ‘no’ more than we would like.

We want to be transparent about how we keep up with and action this feedback, which is why our Product Team has answered a few questions you may have about how Simpro prioritises, reviews, and implements the great ideas submitted and supported by the Simpro community.

While all of the ideas submitted to the old Ideas Portal have been exported and retained by the Simpro Product team, the previous Ideas Portal is no longer accessible from Simpro Premium or the URL.

Product Development Approach Shift

The Product Portal brings a new proactive approach to product development. While continuing to gather customer ideas, the Product team will now be able to better understand impact, detect themes and identify trends at scale based on a feedback and rating system. We are thankful to our customers for adding over 6,000 ideas to the previous Ideas Portal, however the experience in product development with this system was reactive; solving problems one at a time. Now with the Product Portal, we will be able elevate single ideas in a strategic manner with the objective of developing solutions and delivering tools to enhance customer business growth outcomes.

Every submission will be reviewed and we will publish the most impactful ideas after analysis, looking for themes and trends to scale, and then we will gather further feedback from customers, as with other items on the Product Portal. Submitted ideas may change in scope to encompass or broaden the original idea, thus when looking for your idea to appear it may not look the same. We value every idea, every idea contributes to the improvement and development of our products.