About Simpro Mobile Security Groups: General


The purpose of a security group is to restrict or limit access to various functions within Simpro Premium based on a user's role in your organisation. For example, your technicians may not require access to creating activities from their device, or you can also limit their ability to modify totals in job cost centres.

Security groups are defined in System A screenshot of a schedule icon with a grey calendar icon and an arrow. > Setup > Simpro Mobile Security Groups.

Go to All > General to view and manage the security groups that define the general functions in Simpro Mobile.


  • Enable: Select Enable to allow access to Simpro Mobile General functions from the device. If Enable is not selected, no other features under General can be accessed.
  • Job Search (Scheduled and Assigned Jobs): Select to allow searching of existing scheduled and assigned jobs using Find a Job in Service and Timesheet Modules. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • Pending and Progress Jobs: Select to allow searching of existing pending and progress jobs using Find a Job in Service and Timesheet Modules. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • Leave Time for other Technicians: Select to allow leaving time for other technicians. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • Job Card Approval: Select to allow automatic job card approvals. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • Billable Labour: Select to allow jobs to automatically be updated and approved based on recorded time. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • Schedule Rate Selection: Select to allow changes to schedule rates. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • Show Due Projects: Select to allow viewing only scheduled projects or scheduled and due projects. Service, Timesheet, Quotes and Sales modules are required to be enabled.
  • Allow Editing of Archived Jobs: Select to allow editing of archived jobs. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • Hide Archived Jobs from the Schedule View: Select to hide archived jobs from the schedule view. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • Allow Editing of Fully Invoiced Jobs: Select to allow editing of fully invoiced / archived jobs. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • Hide Fully Invoiced Jobs from the Schedule View: Select to hide fully invoiced / archived jobs from the schedule view. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • View Pricing: Select to allow viewing pricing when adding items to a job / quote / purchase order from catalogue / pre-build / stock / labour / service fees. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • Make Uploaded Attachments Public: Select to allow uploading attachments as public or private. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • Allow Viewing of Private Attachments: Select to allow viewing of private attachments. Service and Timesheet modules are required to be enabled.
  • Add times for Activities: Select to allow creating activities in the Service module. Service module is required to be enabled.
  • Add Materials to Jobs from the Catalogue: Select to allow adding materials and pre-builds to the job in the Service module. Service module is required to be enabled.
  • Ability to Change Tax: Select to allow access to changing tax rates in jobs and quotes. Service and Quote and Sales modules are required to be enabled.