Last Updated: December 04 2023
How to Import Jobs
In Simpro Premium you can import a jobs list to create multiple service jobs A standard do-and-charge or time and materials job., project jobs A medium to large job with multiple stages. You can then create progress claims (US: progress invoice) to invoice the customer for part of the job, for example, when a stage has been completed. and prepaid jobs in the system with one upload.
When a job list has been successfully imported, access your newly created jobs using the Jobs menu.
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To prepare to import jobs into Simpro Premium:
- Download and add data to Simpro Premium's Job Import Template for:
- Download and add data to Simpro Premium's Job Import Template.
- Alternatively, you can create your own import list and leave out any fields that do not apply to your jobs.
- Save your file in your system as a compatible file type: CSV, TXT or ZIP. Consult your spreadsheet software documentation for file saving instructions if required.
- Separate your data using the same or similar headings as specified in the Job Import Template and field requirements.
- Ensure information is accurate, up-to-date and spelled correctly.
- Remove any special characters (such as ? # $ % @ !) as these may not import correctly.
- Save your file again.
Field requirements
When you create a job import list or add data to the Job Import Template, you need to alter your data to suit the following field requirements:
- The Customer ID / Customer Name are mandatory columns but do not both need to be present to import successfully. If these fields are left blank on any line, the line is ignored and the job is not created in Simpro Premium.
- The Customer Name must be identical to how it is defined in Simpro Premium. It is recommended to copy and paste the names from Simpro Premium to reduce error and import successfully.
- The Customer ID is available in the customer card file in Simpro Premium and must be a numerical value.
- The Site ID / Site Name are mandatory columns but do not both need to be present to import successfully. If these fields are left blank on any line, the line is ignored and the job is not created in Simpro Premium. The Site Name must be identical to how it is defined in Simpro Premium. It is recommended to copy and paste the names from Simpro Premium to reduce error and import successfully.
- The Site ID is available in the customer / site card file in Simpro Premium and must be a numerical value.
- Multiple Project Tags can be specified by separating each one with a comma. Therefore the specific tags cannot contain commas in their names or they import incorrectly.
- Customer Contact and Site Contact must be in '{First Name} {Last Name}' format, for example, 'John Smith' instead of 'Smith, John'.
- If jobs in the list have a specific Due Date, the format must be as defined in System > Setup > Defaults > System > Date Format.
- The Job Type field for each line must be specified as Service, Project or Prepaid as applicable. If not specified, the job defaults to the Service job type.
To import a jobs list into Simpro Premium:
- Go to Utilities > Import > Jobs > Bulk Import.
- Click Browse / Choose File to locate and open your jobs list file.
- When the file name appears, click Next.
- Use the drop-down lists to match your import file columns with the fields available in Simpro Premium.
- To leave a field out of the import, select Ignore.
- Click Save and Finish.
If the import is successful, you are taken to the Job Import Summary where you can view jobs created and any import errors.
To amend import errors, you may need to access the relevant jobs in Simpro Premium individually and manually make changes as required.