Last Updated: December 06 2023
Activity Report
The Activity Report displays all selected activities recorded during the specified date range.
Activities can include:
- GPS issues
- Towing
- Speeding
- Vehicle idling.
To report on speeding and vehicle idling, you first need to Configure overspeed and idle settings for each individual vehicle.

To run the Activity Report:
- Go to the Reports tab.
- Select Activity Report from the Report drop-down list.
- Select the Date Start and Date End to define the date range.
- Select the required Report Type as CSV, PDF, or HTML.
- Select:
- All Vehicles to view activities for all vehicles
- Groups to manually select and report on specific groups by clicking the plus icon
- Vehicles to manually select and report on specific vehicles by clicking the plus icon.
- Under Activities, click the plus icon next to an activity to include it in the report.
- Alternatively, click Add All to include all activities, and click the minus icon in under Activities Selected to remove any activities you wish to exclude.
- Click Launch Report.
- If you select HTML as the report type, the report loads and displays in a new tab.
If you select CSV or PDF as the report type, go to Settings > Reports > Report History. You can choose to download the required report as a CSV or PDF file for sharing purposes in this tab.

When the report has finished launching, it is organised by vehicle and displays the following columns:
Date | The date the activity was recorded. |
Time | The time the activity was recorded. |
Description |
The activities selected in the report filters. Activities, such as idling, display in pairs, with one row showing when the idling began and the next row showing when the idling ended. |
Driver |
The person who was driving the vehicle. Click the driver’s name to open their Runsheet Report. |
Address | The location where the activity occurred. |
Odometer |
The odometer recorded at the time of the activity. Odometer readings are estimated based on GPS data, and may not exactly match the actual odometer in the vehicle. To learn how to match the vehicle odometer to the virtual odometer in Simtrac, see Calibrate odometer and engine hours. |

To download the report as a PDF file, click Export to PDF.
To download the report as a CSV file, click Export to CSV.
To email the report, click Email Report, then enter the Email Address, and click Submit.