Last Updated: October 23 2024
Simpro Premium 24.4.3
What's new in Simpro Premium: from 20 October 2024 AEST
Task improvements
Tasks in Simpro Premium have been improved to work more smoothly with Simpro Mobile:
- The Task Module in Simpro Mobile is enabled by default.
- All tasks in Simpro Premium need to have a status.
- Assigning a customer is no longer mandatory, so you have more flexibility in your tasks.
Learn more in How to Use Tasks.
Audit Logs - Service/Project/Prepaid Jobs
Audit logs for jobs include more details for better visibility of what happens in your jobs.
Filtering Item History by Storage Device
Get more insights from the History tab in catalogue items - now you can filter the information by Storage Device to better understand the stock movements. Please note that if the item has been moved between storage devices, those events will not be displayed.
Turn existing quotes or jobs into linked variations
Have you created a quote or job that should be a linked variation on another job? Now you can easily link these projects together for more accurate records.
Learn more in How to Manage Linked Variation Jobs and How to Manage Linked Variation Quotes.
- Opened a job then couldn’t navigate inside the job? All fixed!
- The Week View schedule was filtering by the logged in user by default. Now you’ll see all available employees by default.
- If you use the European number format, the numbers you entered in the Estimated Cost Price for one off items weren’t saving properly. Now your values will be correct.
- The schedule was taking a long time to load even if you didn’t have many resources. All fixed!
- The Top Purchases report was not sending to recipients if you had it scheduled. Now you’ll receive the reports you need.
- In the Sales Invoices report for invoices including retention, if you filtered by business group, the Total Ex Tax column was still displaying in the results. Now this column will be hidden for accurate results.
- Sometimes Simpro Premium was having trouble connecting to Xero. All fixed!
- Form Builder templates weren’t loading for some jobs. All fixed!
- In Multi-company, you weren’t able to preview Form Builder templates. Now you’ll be able to use Form Builder normally.
- If you made a copy of a quote that used a foreign currency, the customer was being removed from the copied quote. Now you’ll be able to keep the customer on the quote.
- In the Lead List report, if you used the Multi-company filter, a quotes table displayed in the results with no information. Now your results will display correctly.
- When using flat rate pre-builds, the Estimated Cost value was incorrect if the pre-build was non-billable. All fixed!
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