Export Suppliers and Contractors to QuickBooks Online


If you perform cloud-based accounting using QuickBooks Online and have integrated the accounting package with Simpro Premium, you can export your supplier and contractor card file information from Simpro Premium to QuickBooks Online.

Your suppliers and contractors have the following information imported from Simpro Premium into QuickBooks Online:

Supplier / Contractor Company Name This populates the Company field in QuickBooks Online, allowing 50 characters.
Street Address This information populates the Shipping Address fields in QuickBooks Online, allowing 500 characters for the street address and 255 characters for the suburb, county, state, and country fields.
Postal / Billing Address This information is specific to suppliers and populates the Billing Address fields in QuickBooks Online, allowing 500 characters for the street address and 255 characters for the suburb, county, state, and country fields.
Work Phone / Phone This populates the Phone field in QuickBooks Online.
Fax This populates the Fax field in QuickBooks Online.
Email This populates the Email field in QuickBooks Online.
Payment Terms This populates the Terms field in QuickBooks Online if set up correctly.

Contractors import into QuickBooks Online as supplier cards.

US only: If you use Simpro Premium in the United States, the term 'vendor' is used instead of 'supplier'.