Last Updated: December 18 2024
How to Manage Contractors
Manage your contractors from the contractor table. You can use the search feature to find specific contractors, filter the table according to certain criteria, and edit contractors to change their details.
Learn how to create contractors in How to Create Contractors.

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To view contractors, go to People in the main menu, then click Contractors in the Go To sub-menu.
To quickly locate a contractor, click the starting letter of the company name above the search bar or enter the name in the search bar and click Search.
If you have a large employee database, click Advanced to narrow your search results according to Employee Status, State, Cost Centre, Zone, and Team.
You can then save these filter options as a saved search to access an employee or group of employees more quickly. Learn more in Save searches.
You can also click Modify Table View to Modify the data table view and adjust the fields of information displayed.

Access the following options when you right-click or click Options on a contractor, or in the footer below the table:
Edit Contractor Details | Access the contractor card file and edit details. You can also access the contractor card file by clicking the contractor in the Contractors table. |
View Contractor Schedule | View schedule blocks for the contractor. |
View Contractor Timesheet | View the contractor's timesheet. |
View Contractor Notes | View and create notes of correspondence between the contractor and your business. |
Map Contractor | Map contractor and job locations using Simtrac. |
Archive Contractor | Archive a contractor. When you archive a contractor from Options, you can re-assign any tasks and future schedules to another employee or contractor. The selected contractor is also made the new preferred technician instead of the archived contractor. |
Archive & Pseudonymise |
If you select Archive & Pseudonymise, any reference to this contractor will be pseudonymised and their personal information is no longer identifiable. Make sure to finalise all timesheets for this contractor before archiving. After selecting Archive and Pseudonymise you will not be able to reactivate this contractor. |
Delete Contractor | Permanently delete a contractor. |

You can quickly view a contractor's schedule in your default schedule view directly from the contractor table. Learn more in Set up defaults for the Scheduler Display.
To view a contractor's schedule:
- People
> Contractors.
- Next to the contractor, click Options > View Contractor Schedule.
Learn more about scheduling in About Schedules.

From the contractor table, you can quickly view their timesheet for the current week.
To view a contractor's timesheet:
- People
> Contractors.
- Next to the contractor, click Options > View Contractor Timesheet.
You are taken to the Timesheet page, where you can generate and print the contractor's timesheet. Learn more in How to Use Timesheets.

From the contractor table, you can quickly view any notes on a contractor and create new notes.
To view contractor notes:
- People
> Contractors.
- Next to the contractor, click Options > View Contractor Notes.
Click notes to view them, or click Create Note to write a new note.
These same notes are visible in the Notes tab in the contractor's card file.

If you store your contractors' addresses in Simpro Premium, you can view them on a map.
To map contractors:
- People
> Contractors.
- Select the check boxes for each contractor whose location you wish to map.
- Below the table, click Map Contractors. Each contractor is displayed as a pin on the map.
- On the left side of the map, click the name of the contractor to zoom in on them on the map.

If an contractor is no longer active, archive them so that they can't be assigned to scheduled to jobs. You can still view their details for reference.
Contractors that are on your payroll and leaving the company will affect your costs and you may need to review your overhead and employment cost calculations. Learn more in Overhead and Employment Cost Calculator.
To archive an contractor:
- People
> Contractors.
- Next to the contractor you want to archive, click Options > Archive. Alternatively to archive in bulk, select the check boxes for each contractor you wish to archive. Below the table, click Archive > OK.
- Select to Re-assign contractor so that all of the archived contractor’s tasks and future schedules are assigned to another employee or contractor. The selected contractor is also made the new preferred technician instead of the archived contractor.
- Note that this option is not available when bulk archiving.
- To make sure an archived contractor's personal details are hidden, click Archive and Pseudonymise.
- Contractors cannot be reactivated if they are archived and pseudonymised.
To view archived contractor, click Advanced and select archived from the Contractor Status drop-down.
Activate an archived contractor
To reactivate an archived contractor:
- People
> Contractor.
- Click Advanced.
- Under Contractor Status, select Archived.
- In the table, select the check boxes for each contractor you wish to activate.
- Note that contractors cannot be reactivated if they are archived and pseudonymised.
- Click Activate > OK.
The activated contractors are moved back to the main table.

Deleting a contractor removes them from your system, and they cannot be restored like archived contractors can.
Contractors that are on your payroll and leaving the company will affect your costs and you may need to review your overhead and employment cost calculations. Learn more in Overhead and Employment Cost Calculator.
To delete contractors:
- People
> Contractors.
- Select the check boxes for each contractor you wish to archive.
- Below the table, click Delete > OK.