Last Updated: January 30 2024
About QuickBooks Online
If you perform cloud-based accounting using QuickBooks Online, you can integrate your financial data with Simpro Premium to maintain accuracy, transparency, and consistency in your business.
To get started, you need to prepare the different types of data you can transfer from Simpro Premium to QuickBooks Online, both for the setup and ongoing operation of the accounting link between the two systems.
Integration with Simpro Premium is supported for QuickBooks Online Plus, QuickBooks Essentials, Simple Start and Advanced.
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Before performing the steps detailed below, ensure that this part of your build is set up correctly. The relevant steps to set up the features and workflows detailed in this article can be found here:
You can transfer the following areas of data one way from Simpro Premium to QuickBooks Online using the accounting link:
- Customers, suppliers, and contractors
- Customers and suppliers can also be transferred from QuickBooks Online to Simpro Premium as a one-off initial import when you are setting up customers and suppliers in your Simpro Premium system for the first time. See How to Import QuickBooks Data to Simpro Premium.
- Contractors are exported to QuickBooks Online as supplier card files.
- Invoices
- Invoice credits (also known as Credit Memos in QuickBooks Online)
- Payments
- Supplier invoices (also known as Bills in QuickBooks Online)
- Supplier credits (also known as Vendor Credits in QuickBooks Online)
- Contractor invoices (also known as Bills in QuickBooks Online)
- Inventory journals (also known as Journal Entries in QuickBooks Online) if you have enabled inventory tracking.
- Accounting categories and business groups.
- Accruals and deferrals
Learn more about what exact data is exported in:
- Export Customers to QuickBooks Online
- Export Suppliers and Contractors to QuickBooks Online
- Export Invoices and Credits to QuickBooks Online
- Export Payments to QuickBooks Online
- Export Inventory Journals to QuickBooks Online
- Export Tracking Data to QuickBooks Online.
All names and references used in both QuickBooks Online and Simpro Premium are case-sensitive and must match exactly to prevent duplication of data.
US only: If you use Simpro Premium in the United States, the term 'vendor' is used instead of 'supplier'.
All transactions exported from Simpro Premium to QuickBooks Online exclude the actual tax value but include the tax code applied. This allows QuickBooks Online to calculate the correct tax amount based on the tax code.
If you are in Australia, you need to create a GST tax code specifically for purchases before exporting transactions from Simpro Premium to QuickBooks Online. Learn more in AU: Set up tax codes for purchase items.
It is important to remember that Simpro Premium and QuickBooks Online apply different rounding conventions to transactions, meaning it is possible that the Sub Total and / or tax amount of certain transactions in QuickBooks Online may be different by one or two cents when compared to the same transactions in Simpro Premium. The only figure that must match between QuickBooks Online and Simpro Premium is the Total.
To adjust your total figures in QuickBooks to match those in Simpro Premium exactly, you can recalculate the sales / purchases transaction amounts. You cannot adjust the tax or total balance in QuickBooks Online.
QuickBooks Online Automatic Sales Tax (AST) enabled
All transactions exported from Simpro Premium to QuickBooks Online include the actual tax value calculated in Simpro Premium, but exclude the tax codes applied. QuickBooks Online then applies tax codes based on the site address and jurisdictions. If the site has no address, the customer's address in QuickBooks Online is used to determine the appropriate tax codes in QuickBooks Online.
If the tax value sent from Simpro Premium does not match the automatic sales tax calculation in QuickBooks Online, the value sent from Simpro Premium overrides the calculated value. Where the value is different, you can open the invoice in QuickBooks Online, click Sales Tax and click to Reset to recommended value. If the tax value is reset in QuickBooks Online, the invoice in Simpro Premium needs to be corrected to match the updated invoice in QuickBooks Online.
QuickBooks Online Automatic Sales Tax (AST) not enabled
All transactions exported from Simpro Premium to QuickBooks Online exclude the actual tax value but include the tax code applied. This allows QuickBooks Online to calculate the correct tax amount based on the tax code. Learn more in How to Use Tax Codes.
It is important to remember that Simpro Premium and QuickBooks Online apply different rounding conventions to transactions, meaning it is possible that the Sub Total and / or tax amount of certain transactions in QuickBooks Online may be different by one or two cents when compared to the same transactions in Simpro Premium. The only figure that must match between QuickBooks Online and Simpro Premium is the Total.
To adjust your total figures in QuickBooks to match those in Simpro Premium exactly, you can recalculate the sales / purchases transaction amounts. You cannot adjust the tax or total balance in QuickBooks Online.
You may wish to set up a Rounding account in your chart of accounts. This can assist in adding an extra line item to transactions to achieve the correct total amount. For more information, please consult your accountant / accountant.
Tax Code Types
QuickBooks Online follows a similar tax setup structure as Simpro Premium. Similar to Simpro Premium, QuickBooks has Combined, Single and Component tax codes.
However, the process to create component tax codes is different in QuickBooks Online and Simpro Premium. In Simpro Premium, you create a Component tax code and then add it to a range of Combined tax codes. Alternatively, in QuickBooks online, Component tax codes are created exclusively inside a specific Combined tax code.
It is important that the name and tax types match exactly in both Simpro Premium and QuickBooks Online. If they do not match, any transactions that use the tax codes can fail.