Use the Service module in field to access current project information and manage quote / job work in real time. Field technicians can easily enter clock in and clock off times, parts used, view / upload linked documents, and email job cards when the job is complete.
Manage scheduled jobs
To access the scheduled and assigned jobs in the Schedule, tap the relevant job. The cost centre overview details the customer, site, scheduled time and job / cost centre description. If no site address exists in Simpro Premium, the corresponding field appears blank.
- For project type jobs, the section name is displayed and you can access other cost centres on the job from the Job Overview.
- For a job that is due and assigned, tap the job to view the Job Overview rather than a specific cost centre. You can then choose a cost centre to continue processing the job.
Note that here the date appears in the DD Month YYYY format.
To manage a scheduled or assigned job:
- Tap START TRAVEL. This updates the mobile status as TRAVELLING and creates a time block for the travel time in the job card. You can record the travel time only for the current date. Additionally, if you start recording time at night on the current day and the work continues after midnight, then two time blocks are created, one for each day. You can also choose to tap START WORK without recording a travel time block.
- If you attempt to record two time blocks simultaneously, a warning message is displayed. You can Go to running time block, Discard running time block, or Cancel the message.
- Select an appropriate scheduled rate for the travel time to Record time as.
- When you submit this job to Simpro Premium, the travel time is recorded as a separate time block for the job with the set schedule rate.
- Tap START WORK to stop recording travel time and start recording a new time block for the actual work time on site. This updates the mobile status as ONSITE.
- The start / end travel time is calculated based on recordings in real time and the Schedule Format and Time Block Threshold set in the System Setup in Simpro Premium. Learn more in Time block threshold.
- Start and End times of recorded time blocks can be manually adjusted from Time Recorded.
- Select an appropriate scheduled rate for the work time to Record time as.
- Tap PAUSE WORK to temporarily stop recording time against the job. Unlike STOP WORK, pausing work does not prompt for job card approval. To resume, you can tap START WORK or START TRAVEL.
Note that PAUSE WORK cannot be used to submit a job.
To use PAUSE WORK, you must have at least one Mobile Status set up in Simpro Premium for paused work. In Simpro Premium, go to System
> Setup > Mobile > Simpro Mobile > Statuses. Open or Create Job Status, select Pause under Time Tracking and click Save. This enables you to PAUSE WORK in Simpro Mobile.
The scheduled time block is not updated with an actual time in Simpro Premium until a status is selected and submitted through the Service module in Simpro Mobile. Alternatively, you can tap back to exit a job and submit updated time to the schedule.
- You can use the icon
to open the default map application for the site. Use the email icon to open the respective application with the corresponding details auto-populated from the customer card. Tap More Contacts to view additional contact details.
Tap All Contacts to list the available contact information, including all of the site and customer contacts. Tap
for the required contact and choose from the following options:
- Tap Call to open the default phone application with the contact number populated.
- Tap Message to open the default phone messaging application with the contact number populated.
- Tap Copy number to copy the phone number to your device and paste it in another location.
- View the Work Description added in Simpro Premium.
- Check other technicians scheduled to the job on the current day. If you are online, tap the technician to view the time and cost centre they are scheduled to for this job. If you are offline, only the names of other technicians are visible.
- Next, complete pre-audits, view notes, manage attachments, and understand the scope of works.
- Tap PRE-AUDIT to complete the safety audits or risk assessment check lists defined in your Simpro Premium build.
The Pre-Audits display the Required and Optional audits. Select from Safe Work Method Statements, Job Safety Analysis and Quality Assurance to locate the relevant audits. Toggle Show required audits only and complete all the mandatory questions. Additionally, you can navigate to previous questions and edit answers, if required. - Tap NOTES to view Customer notes, Site notes and Schedule notes added in Simpro Premium.
- Tap ATTACHMENTS to view any existing and upload new JOB and SITE attachments depending on the assigned security settings. Attachments are organised using the folder structure created in Simpro Premium. Tap ADD to upload new job or site attachments. You can select to Take Photo or upload an image as well as other documents from your device. You can upload up to 10 attachments at a time. Users can delete or rename attachments through Simpro Mobile only if they have uploaded the respective attachments either through Simpro Mobile or Simpro Premium.
- Images taken through Simpro Mobile are compressed and a copy is stored on your device and in Simpro Premium.
- Tap to expand and view Scope of Works. This includes service fees, pre-builds, catalogue items, one off items, the Estimated quantity and whether the items are Billed to the customer.
- Learn more in How to Set Up Audits.
- Expand the Your Jobcard. Note that the Your Jobcard section is available for editing only when START WORK is active.
- Add notes for the Work Completed and general Technician Notes for your reference. Tap INSERT SCRIPT to add default notes created in the Simpro Premium System Setup. If you invoice a job in Simpro Mobile, you can select the Work Completed notes as a script in the invoice description. Learn more in How to Use Scripts.
- Tap Time Recorded to edit and update your time blocks from within each cost centre on the job.
- You can add time blocks for other employees or plant Items by accessing the job through the Timesheet module.
- You can add further billable labour rates from the Quote and Sales module. Learn more in Build Options.
- Under Materials view a list of catalogue items added to the job including any catalogue items contained in pre-builds. Toggle to Hide unused to display items that are used on the job. Increase or decrease the quantity of the listed items, as required.
- Add materials from STOCK or CATALOGUE, if additional items are required.
- You can add pre-builds, one off items and service fees from the Quote and Sales module. Learn more in Build Options.
- If the item is tagged with a barcode you can also use the barcode scanner function to locate and add the item.
- Tap Purchase Orders to view existing purchase orders, add notes, or if you are online, create a purchase order. Learn more in How to Create Purchase Orders in Simpro Mobile.
- The More information section describes other job details and work completed notes recorded on site.
- Tap Job Overview to view the site location, customer details, job name and number, a list of cost centres with their corresponding mobile statuses, Order Number, Job Description and customer notes. Tap a cost centre name in the list to navigate to the respective cost centre overview. If the job is previously invoiced, the invoice can be accessed from the Job Overview.
- From the Job Overview you can also view and edit Site Notes. This is only available if your Simpro Premium build is updated to version 23.4.5 or above.
- Tap Work history at this site to view all work completed notes previously added by technicians for any jobs completed on the site. Note that the site history displays job name instead of cost centres for easy reference.
- Complete any relevant tasks in the Cost Centre Tasks section or View All Project Tasks.
- Tap the Refresh icon to download updates to tasks or download any new tasks. Learn more in Manage Job Tasks.
- When you finish all works for the job, tap REVIEW AND FINISH.
Time recording for overnight work
- If you record time over midnight for travel or work, the time blocks are automatically split from the start time to midnight, and from midnight to the stop time.
- A job card is created for the second day with notes copied over from the previous day for reference.
- Materials are only recorded against the job card for the first day to avoid any duplication of used items.
- For accurate on-site time calculations, the previous status of travelling or onsite is resubmitted at the start of the second day.
Complete a scheduled job
After you REVIEW AND FINISH a job, a detailed summary is displayed.
Review your Job Card to confirm the Materials and Labour and tap EDIT JOB CARD to navigate back and update details, if required. Next, complete the POST-AUDITS assigned for the job.
If you have a scheduled or actual timeblock you can opt to toggle off submitting the recording timeblock. This is significant for technicians who need to complete a job card and submit a job retrospectively.
To sign off and process a completed a scheduled job:
- Enter your name and tap TECHNICIAN SIGN-OFF. Add your signature in the Sign below box and Save.
- Enter the Customer name and capture the signature. You can select from all primary contacts, customer contacts, and site contacts or enter the customer’s name manually. If the job has been previously invoiced, the invoice can be accessed.
- Tap POST-AUDITS and complete the mandatory post audits. Learn more in How to Set Up Audits.
- Select a mobile status from the drop-down list to assign it to the job.
Note that the Completed status is not available if the required post-work audits are not successfully completed.
- Toggle on Email Job Card to send the job card as an email attachment to the customer. You can select from all primary contacts, customer contacts, and site contacts available.
- Toggle on Continue to Invoicing to proceed to invoice and apply payment to the job after it is completed. Learn more in How to Invoice a Job.
If you tap Back after collecting signatures, these signatures are lost and you need to capture the signatures again.